About Us


We are a dynamic African women-led organisation based in West Lothian, Scotland, passionately committed to promoting diversity, inclusion, and equal representation. Our unwavering dedication extends to supporting African/ethnic minority women, children, and families living in West Lothian to realise their life aspirations.


A Scotland where women from all backgrounds and cultures have a voice and are fully represented in leadership and have equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of society.


Our mission is to inspire, empower and promote the voices of African/Ethnic Minority women and families in West Lothian, Scotland by providing them with access to opportunities in a supportive and inclusive environment where they can thrive, develop their skills, and pursue their aspirations.


Community Focus

We prioritise the local community, designing programs and initiatives to directly benefit and uplift individuals, families, and groups.


Integrity is at our core. We uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct, ensuring our actions align with our values.


Teamwork is key. We actively seek partnerships to amplify our impact, foster innovation, and create sustainable change in our community.


We are committed to an inclusive community where women from all backgrounds and cultures feel valued, respected, and supported in pursuing their goals.

Leadership Development

We foster leadership through mentorship, empowering the next generation to advocate for equal advancement and representation of women in Scotland.


Leadership Training & Development

We specialise in providing leadership training and development programs to enhance essential skills for effective leadership roles.

Health & Wellbeing Support

We offer support programs focused on the health and wellbeing of women, addressing their specific needs and promoting overall wellness.

Financial Training & Support

We support Women’s financial wellbeing involves empowering and supporting them in achieving financial stability and fostering economic independence.

Business & Career Empowerment

We empower women in business and career growth.

Community Diversity & Inclusion

Promoting unity and enhancing relationships among diverse communities for peaceful co-existence in West Lothian through our annual African Scottish Diversity Expos.

Cultural Sensitive Support

We provide personalised, culturally sensitive support for women on a one-on-one basis.

Cost of Living Support

Assisting women without access to public funds facing cost of living challenges via cooking sessions, financial education, and equipment support.

Trauma & VAWG Support

Providing support for individuals affected by trauma and violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Drop In Sessions - Sickle Cell Worriers

Open sessions for individuals affected by sickle cell-related issues to seek support and information.

Children Holiday Club Activities
Volunteering Support

Supporting women and young people in transitioning from volunteering to employment.

Newcomers to West Lothian Settlement Support

Assistance and support for newcomers in West Lothian to settle in and integrate into the community.

Referral Services
  • BBC Children In Need
  • School Uniform/Clothing Support
  • Counselling
  • Employment
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Trauma Support
  • Unpaid Carers Support
  • New Mothers Support

Our Success in Numbers

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events/ Projects
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